View our wide range of courses, suitable for UK & International learners
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in Europe on 25th May 2018 and was designed to modernise laws that protect the personal information of individuals. It is...
This short course aims to give you the knowledge needed to understand how to lead and motivate a team, through effective communication, motivation and individual and team development. KEY FEATURES...
Are you based in the UK? Business management courses are an effective way of learning the key skills needed to effectively manage teams in the workplace and show prospective employers...
Are you based in the UK? Performance management training courses are a perfect way to learn the key skills needed to effectively manage performance in the workplace, opening up a...
Interested in studying one of our management development courses? This short, auto-marked programme will build your knowledge of the core skills needed to plan projects and to monitor and manage...
Are you looking to improve your customer service skills by completing some advanced customer service training? This course provides you with key knowledge in relation to the principles of customer...